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  Today, we had a fire drill in our school。 When we were queuing up, the fire alarm rang。 We didn't understand what happened。 The teacher said, "this is a fire alarm。 Hurry up and evacuate。" Everyone lowered their heads, covered their mouths and noses, and rushed out of the teaching building。 Just arrived at the playground, I looked back and saw that the teaching building was smoking。 Fortunately, everyone was evacuated。
  过了一会,火警又响起来,我们这次的`撤离速度比第一次还快,老师说:“大家不要慌。” 回到班级里,我心想这次的消防演习很成功嘛,让大家对消防知识的印象更加深刻了。
  After a while, the fire alarm rang again。 Our evacuation speed was faster than the first time。 The teacher said, "don't panic。" Back in the class, I thought the fire drill was very successful, which made everyone more impressed with the fire knowledge。
