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  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇1

  In the afternoon, the sky is full of snows. Its snowy everywhere. Im in a good mood. I went to have a snowfight with my children. I grabbed a handful of snow and threw it on him. He threw another handful of snow on me. I took advantage of his unpreparedness and grabbed two more to throw it on him.
  We played a few rounds and I won in the end.
  My hands are cool, but my heart is warm.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇2

  This morning, my cousin came to my house at 8 o'clock. He wanted to sleep until 11 o'clock. He just pulled me outside and bought a bun to eat. He said, "why don't you go to a snowball fight? "I replied," yes. " When we came to the park, the ground was covered with snow. After we built a snow shield, we rubbed a lot of snowballs. We played for 2 hours, but we didn't feel cold. I am so happy.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇3

  When I get up in the morning, I feel cold. The room is like a cold storage room. Open the window, it's white outside, and the sky is like falling laundry powder. Oh, it's snowing!
  I ran downstairs excitedly and was hit by a snowball as soon as I got out of the stairway. I shook my hands and wiped the snow away, thinking, "Which guy is attacking me?" I heard someone giggling behind a small snowdrift. I also made a snowdrift like a castle and hid behind it.
  I quickly threw a snowball to the opposite side and missed him. I threw many more, and he escaped. I quickly found a board and ed it in his snow pile. Then I found a brick and threw it into the cracked snow pile. The snow flew into the sky and fell on the man, who was about to become a polar bear.
  Seeing his embarrassment, I burst into laughter.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇4

  It's snowing today. The distance is white. The roof, trees and grass are all covered with white cotton padded clothes. Grandpa Winter must have put them on for fear of cold. Close up, the snow looks like crystal flowers. How beautiful it is! If only I could fight in the snow! I'm just thinking about it. Bad. Dad's inspection is coming. I'll flash!
  Dad checked his homework and finally agreed to my request. Wow, you can go out and play!
  My father and I hit snow with our feet. When my father kicked, the snow flew down my head and ignited my naked flame. I threw it hard and hit my father's mouth and face. I got revenge and was happy. I didn't notice, but my father hit me on the arm again. Dad said, "I'll chase you, one, two, three, start!" I ran and kicked snow, which made my father unable to catch up with me.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇5

  After lunch today, my brother and I were shooting outside. Suddenly, small snowflakes floated in the sky. My brother and I cheered for the snow! It's snowing!
  By about 4:00 p.m., there was already a layer of snow on the ground. I called my brother, sister, father and aunt to play a snowball fight.
  My brother and I prepared a snowball first. My brother aimed at my sister and threw it; The snowball just hit my sister, which made us laugh; After several fierce battles, my sister and aunt were beaten to pieces by my brother and me. At this time, Dad couldn't stand it anymore, so he came to beat us with his sisters. I took a snowball and threw it at my father when he was preparing it. The snowball hit his forehead; It made my aunt and I laugh.
  We had a good time. But remember not to throw snowballs on others' faces, but on their bodies.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇6

  It was snowy on Friday, November 8
  When I got up in the morning, I found that the outside was white. I have a closer look at the snow!
  When I came to the school, many teachers were sweeping snow in our favorite campus.
  At noon, the snow on the campus gradually melted, but the snow on the grass outside the campus has not yet melted. In the afternoon, teacher Long said, "If you finish your exercise book in five minutes, you can go out and play." Most of the students in our class have finished their exercise books. Five minutes later, Miss Long took us to play in the small garden outside the campus.
  I had a snowball fight with Liu Shujiang, Lin Jiahui, Jin Weiyi and other students. Boys and boys, girls and girls, we began to play after the division.
  At the beginning of the game, the girls beat the boys badly. Later, our boys became angry and defeated the girls. The game is over. It's time for us to go back to work.
  Today is so happy!

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇7

  Yesterday, it was snowing heavily. Today, I, Mr. Chen Mei and Mr. Zhang agreed to have a snow fight together.
  When we came downstairs, the snow outside had piled up into mountains, the trees were covered with snow, and the earth had become a white world. Here we go. I quietly hid behind a car, picked up two "shells", walked in front of them, and threw them "shells". With a sound of "Pa", the snow hit them, and they immediately scattered and ran away. Suddenly, they hit me on both sides and snowballs hit me one by one. I was at a loss for a moment and had no time to escape. "Pipa" I ate two snow buns, which made me angry. "Swish, swish..." I threw five snowballs in a row, each hitting the target. Then they began to fight back. In the fight, Chen Mei and I joined hands to attack Teacher Zhang, and the battle between the two sides became more intense
  Today, I enjoyed the fun of snowball fights. I'm so happy.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇8

  It's snowing heavily this year! It was snowing, so it was natural to have a snowball fight. In the afternoon, I was having a snowball fight with my good friends.
  In the afternoon, my brother, Gu Yuzhen and Ding Qingyang were having a snowball fight. There were four people, so we had to divide into two groups. After a quarrel, Gu Yuzhen and I were in a group, and Ding Qingyang and my brother were in a group. Immediately, the game started. Gu Yuzhen and I took the snowball and let them finish it first. Then we threw the snowball out. Unfortunately, my brother was hit by me. However, Ding Qingyang suddenly sent out a small fast ball. I ran to it and blocked it for Gu Yuzhen. Gu Yuzhen also sent out two small fastballs. Ding Qingyang dodged one, but was hit by the second. Gu Yuzhen and I shouted, "Our group has won!"
  How fun it is to have a snowball fight!

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇9

  It snowed all day yesterday. The trees, the ground and the grass are all white.
  When I was at Grandma's house, my uncle asked me to play a snowball fight with my brother, brother and sister. He also said that I would not cry if I hurt or fell. That's great. When my brother and I threw away our younger brothers and sisters, we were doomed to be criticized. So I decided that the first person to throw was my brother. Then I picked up a snowball and threw it at my brother. However, I didn't hit the target, and then I threw one to my brother. This time, my brother was hit by me, and he became a snowman. My next target was my sister, but I threw it sideways and hit my brother. As a result, my brother helped my brother and sister throw me together, and I was thrown many times.
  With happiness, time goes by slowly. It's time for dinner. We finished playing snow games. How happy the snow fight is!

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇10

  This morning, I opened the window and saw snowflakes flying in the sky. The pedestrians on the road slowly slid forward. I think Grandpa Dong must have put a layer of continuous coat on the earth. Small snowflakes fall from the sky like white flowers. They are very beautiful.
  After breakfast, I called my good friends, Xiao Liu and Xiao Ma, to play a snowball fight. I picked up a handful of snow and threw it at the pony, but it just broke up in mid air, but they were all hard and could not remove any residue. I was so angry that I blushed. I pinched more than 20 of them at one time. This made them very busy and quickly fought back at me.
  How happy we are today!

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇11

  This morning, it was snowy and snowy. The world outside was full of snow.
  The day before yesterday, my uncle, aunt and little sister were making snowmen. Today, my sister, uncle, aunt, and little sister were playing snowball in the small garden.
  Before the war, my sister and I agreed to attack my uncle together. We took the snowball and hit him directly. After a while, my uncle was hit by us and walked back. I relaxed my vigilance and rushed forward. Unexpectedly, my foot slipped and I fell. My uncle took the opportunity to throw two snowballs at me, one of which blocked my right ear and the other just hit me in the neck.
  I immediately removed them, and then immediately threw a snowball as big as a pot at my uncle.
  Uncle finally raised his hand and surrendered.
  "We won, we won." My sister and I cheered.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇12

  Yesterday, I made a lovely snowman. Today, I'm going to play a snowball game with my brother.
  I hid beside the car, and my smart brother slowly approached me. He hit me in front of me when I didn't notice. My brother was hiding on the other side of the car. I suddenly thought of a good idea. He took a snowball and threw it over the car. I hit my brother at once. My brother stood up and took a lot of snowballs. He chased me and threw snowballs at the same time. Many snowballs hit me. I attacked him like my brother. Unexpectedly, I missed him, but he hit me continuously. I dare not attack again, I've been circling around the car, and my brother can't beat me anymore.
  Today, I was very happy because I learned that attacking is not right!

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇13

  This morning, I opened the curtains, saw a thick layer of snow outside, and happily went downstairs to play. I picked up a mass of snow and threw it out, accidentally throwing it on my mother. "Ha ha! I got it." I cried happily. Mother also picked up the snowball, ready to throw it on me. No, I saw my mother was going to throw me, so I dodged and missed. I laughed so much that my stomach hurt. After the snow fight, my mother and I went to make a snowman. We first rolled a big snowball as our body, and then rolled a small snowball as our head. To make the head and body better, we put our eyes, nose and mouth on the snowball. When the snowman was ready, we went home happily.
  I really enjoyed myself today.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇14

  The beautiful winter has come, bringing lively and lovely snow elves, the beautiful scenery wrapped in silver, and the Aoxue Plum Blossom, which is opened by Linghan alone.
  You see, lovely snow elves fly in the sky leisurely and come to the world to play with children; There is a vast expanse of white on the houses, trees, roads and fields; In the corner, there was a plum blossom in full bloom, emitting a faint fragrance.
  The adults are fully armed, wearing thick cotton padded jackets, cotton trousers and boots, walking in the snow, while the children are happily making snowmen, playing snowball fights, snowballing and other snow games.
  This is a beautiful and happy winter, do you like it?

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇15

  It's snowing heavily today.
  Snow clothed the tree, snow put shoes on the grass, and put hats on the flowers.
  This is the first snow in spring. The last class teacher asked us to go out to have a look at the snow. When we went out, we saw the vast white snow falling from the sky like white flowers floating down. How beautiful! The students exclaimed.
  Seeing today's snow, I thought of an ancient poem: remote knowledge is not snow, because there is a subtle fragrance.
  On the way home, my friends and I had snowball fights, made snowmen, and stepped on the soft and soft snow.
  I like snow, beautiful, soft and white snow.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇16

  In the afternoon, as soon as I walked out of the house, I found "Snowflake Babies". These "Babies" were so naughty that they floated down before I could say goodbye to "Mother Cloud".
  I picked up the umbrella and played with Snowflake Baby.
  I was bored when I was playing alone, so I called my friends to play a snowball fight. The rule is: no one has three lives and is hit three times, even if it is OUT.
  The game started. I hid in a hidden place. When someone came to fight, they couldn't find me. As a result, there was no doubt that I won.
  After dinner, we had to part reluctantly.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇17

  It's snowing. It's snowing. My mother and my aunt went to see the clothes in the evening. Then my brother and I had a snowball fight outside the clothes store. First, my brother couldn't beat me. I threw a big snowball, but I missed it. Then my brother didn't throw it when he attacked. My brother threw a big snowball at me, and it was about to be thrown. I closed my eyes for a while, and I felt that nothing was thrown at me. My brother frightened me, and then threw it again, Now I can throw it at me. Then my brother hid on the steps of the clothes shop to avoid my snowballs. As expected, he hid every snowball of mine. Because I threw too many snowballs, my brother used the snow of my snowballs to make snowballs to throw at me.
  Happy time is always so short, my mother and my aunt have looked after their favorite clothes, and then we went home happily.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇18

  A heavy snow fell just after the New Year. Dad drove us to the mountain, wow! It is as white as a white quilt. When we got off the bus, my cousins and I formed a group of four, called the "sheep team", and my parents and grandfather formed a group of three, called the "wolf team". The snowball fight began. I quickly caught a mass of snow, still to my father, but missed. But my mother caught a handful of snow and still came to us, so we ran quickly. In this way, we played in attack and escape for half an hour. Finally, the Wolf and Wolf Team took the Sheep and Goat Team back to the car. We had a good time! But it's not enough. I really want to play again!

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇19

  During the winter vacation, Grandpa took me to have a snow fight. We went to the Cultural Palace. On the way, people in the province are also having snowball fights.
  When I arrived at the Cultural Palace, I saw a vast expanse of white on the square. My grandfather took some photos for me.
  Then we started a snowball fight. We ran after each other and fought against each other. We tried every means not to let the other fight, but also tried to fight the other. After the fight, who won? ha-ha! It's me! Grandpa wiped my sweat and fought another battle. If I won, I went home happily.
  Later, I thought calmly. Grandpa must have been merciful in snowball fights. He lost to me to make me happy. I felt a little uncomfortable when I thought about it.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇20

  In the morning, I got up and got dressed. I came to the window and saw many snowflakes floating in the air. Some floated on trees, some floated on cars, as if covered with a layer of white carpet.
  My mother and I came downstairs. I said to my mother, "Shall we have a snow fight today?" Mom said happily, "OK, OK.".
  The snowball fight started. I ran at the same speed as an arrow, quickly rubbed a small snowball while my mother was not paying attention. I threw the snowball to my mother unconsciously, and my mother was just hit by my snowball. "Hit, hit" I cried happily. My mother didn't want to be outdone. She picked up a big, round snowball and threw it at me. I dodged for a moment and was hit on my head by the snowball thrown by my mother. Suddenly, my head was covered with snow, just like a funny clown. Some snow even sneaked into my clothes. It was so cold! My mother and I laughed happily.
  It was so happy to have a snowball fight, and the happy laughter echoed in the air for a long time.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇21

  Tonight, I went downstairs with my mother and sister to have a snowball fight.
  My sister and I worked together, and my mother worked alone. My sister and I picked up many large and small snow blocks as bullets and mines, and dug a hole to hide.
  The battle started. My sister and I rolled and crawled. We rushed to Mom in the rain of bullets. Once my mother caught me and I became her prisoner. I took the opportunity to escape when she wasn't looking. My mother chased me closely behind. I ran to the snow pile quickly and rolled to a pit. My face was covered with snow. My face hurt like a needle. I wanted to revenge all the time. I took a dozen shells and threw them at my mother, but none of them were hit. Instead, my mother made faces at me. I was furious, But there was no way to attack her. This time we failed.
  The last time, my mother threw shells at us. In order to protect my sister, I pushed her down the pit, but my mother hit me with several shells. I think that in the real battle, there are so many soldiers who have sacrificed their precious lives to protect their comrades in arms. I want to learn from them.
  This is really an unforgettable snow fight.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇22

  Friday, December 3 Sunny
  Today, my classmates and I agreed to have a snow fight in the Ecological Park. When we got there, it was ice and snow. It was a natural ski resort.
  My classmate Li Changkun just asked me, "Can we start now?" While he was talking, I grabbed a handful of snow and buckled it on his head. Then he became an old man with white hair.
  Li Changkun quickly ran away, ran to a place that he thought was safe, picked up a small snowball and threw it hard until it was as big as a coconut. Although it didn't hit me, the snowballs scattered on the ground like fireworks, beautiful as Tiannv!
  Now my shoes are completely wet, so it is naturally impossible to spare him. I broke an ice cream on the bridge. Holding it is like holding a saber. I tried my best to run to Li Changkun, but he also ran away. Before I could catch up with him, the "saber" had already melted.
  We fought in close combat again. My snowball flew over, and his snowball hit us. We played inextricably, and even won several rounds

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇23

  In today's Chinese class, Mr. Wei said, "Let's go downstairs and have a snowball fight." When we heard that, we jumped three feet high. The whole class cheered. Some students even jumped when they walked.
  Let's go out of the classroom and have a look. Wow! The platform on the corridor was covered with snow, the camphor leaves were bent, and the entire playground was covered with snow. The snow is flying in the air, like catkins flying all over the sky by the spring wind.
  When we got to the playground, we formed two teams for snowball fights: the boys' team and the girls' team. The boys' team and the girls' team fought fiercely. Our boys' team members are very scattered and often cross move, so it is not easy for girls to choose targets. We often rub a snowball first, and then throw it high. When the snowball falls, we kick it hard with our feet. The snowball will spread out and hit many people at once. The more our team fought, the more they became braver, and the more their formation became more chaotic. Finally, we had to readjust our position so that we could fight more effectively.
  Suddenly, I want to make a big snowball. Isn't it more powerful? I rubbed a big snowball and threw it at the girls' team. The snowball spread in the air and fell on the girls' head.
  Today's snow fight is really fun!

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇24

  It snowed yesterday evening, but it stopped after a while. I thought it would never rain again, but I saw it again this morning, and it was still raining heavily. I got excited, ran to the snow, took some snow, and threw it out. I felt very good.
  I was playing when my brother suddenly came from his house. I was so happy that I called him over. We were going to make a snowman. We first got the snow together, and then we made a snowball roll in the snow. We put the snowball on the top of the snowdrift and put it on the snowdrift.
  Then we were about to have a snowball fight when my mother suddenly came to let us go back to do our homework. I suddenly remembered that I had come to play with snow in the morning and forgot to do our homework. My brother and I hurriedly went back to the room and took out their homework to write.
  After writing for a while, my mother asked us to have a rest before writing. My brother and I ran to the snow again. This time we had a snow fight. We had our own territory. I picked up a snowball and threw it at him. My brother dodged. He threw it at me again, and I dodged.
  In this way, we have been fighting all the time. Mom suddenly came and asked us to go to dinner. I was surprised that it was only ten o'clock when I came out. Now it is twelve o'clock. How time flies!
  How beautiful it is snowing!

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇25

  There was a heavy snow this winter vacation. I heard from my parents that it has not snowed so heavily in Shanghai for many years. Looking out from the balcony, there is a thick layer of snow everywhere on the roof, on the car, on the grass, and on the road. It's a beautiful world wrapped in silver!
  My parents and I have an appointment to go to a snow fight. When it was snowing, I immediately grabbed a ball of snow, made it into a big snowball, and threw it at Dad. Dad quickly dodged my snowball. My mother also came to help me at this time and made a snowball to hit my father. Unfortunately, my father hid again. At the same time, he took a snowball and threw it at his mother, who was hit by his father before she could dodge. I threw a snowball to my father from the side when he was proud. Wow! Hit! I cried happily. Under the siege of my mother and I, my father finally admitted defeat.
  The snowball fight left an unforgettable impression on me. I really hope there will be another heavy snow next year.

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇26

  Today, I had a snow fight with my classmates. Don't mention the excitement!
  We divided the "territory" among five people in each team and started the war. The other side attacked first, almost overwhelming. Little did they know that they were trapped. I shouted: "Rat fight!" We hid in the bushes and got ready for a long fight. The other side rushed over, but there was no one left. Instead, we were snowballed in vain. This is really great.
  But soon, they began to hit us with snow. The big pieces were smashed, which made us run away, and the rat war went bankrupt. So the two men led by me went around to their rear and made a beautiful sneak attack. Once again, we turned defeat into victory.
  When the other party was retreating, he suddenly heard a cry behind him: "The backyard is on fire." Unexpectedly, the Tao is one foot taller than the Devil, and there is such a poisonous move. We simply attacked with the whole army. When the other party saw it, he was dumbfounded and shouted, "Unconditional surrender."
  The snowball battle ended in the other side's rout. This is really a good fight!

  打雪仗英语日记带翻译优秀 篇27

  This afternoon, I was lucky to meet brother Kang Kang in the city square. Brother Kangkang is having a snowball fight with his father. Brother Kangkang asked me to join in the snowball fight.
  Brother Kangkang attacked me first and threw his snowball to me. As soon as I squatted down, I thought I could pass the snowball. Unexpectedly, the snowball was attracted by gravity and hit my head. Fortunately, I am wearing a hat. It doesn't hurt.
  Brother Kangkang went to attack his father again, but he was hit by his father's snowball. He hit his face twice, which was really unlucky. Brother Kangkang was so angry that he swore to attack his father. He always wanted to attack his father's face, but his father turned around and hit his clothes. I helped brother Kangkang attack his father. One time I missed him, another time I hit his father on the back. I also helped brother Kangkang make "bullets" to attack his father.
  Later, brother Kangkang used a trick. He hid a blue wild fruit in the snowball. When he saw his father coming, he said to his father, "Dad, there is something hidden in the snowball. Look. It is in this snowball." His father said, "Well." He took a look at it. Unexpectedly, Brother Kangkang aimed the snowball at his father's face and threw it hard. Finally, he hit his father's face and got revenge.
