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  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇1

  The final exam is coming next week. I am writing my homework lazily. My mother couldnt see it anymore. She cried, "when can you do it well, you slow snail?" I waved impatiently. After a while, my mothers voice suddenly rang again, and I finished my homework in this rising and falling melody. As soon as I saw the time, the night was deep, I jumped into bed.
  The next day, the teacher was changing my homework. She seemed to be a little annoyed. She hurried to my side and said, "look at your homework. It was a very simple topic, but it was so wrong..." The teacher talked about his attitude from homework to study. "In fact, as long as you calm down, these questions will not be wrong at all, right?" "HMM." I answered in a panic, my head almost down to my chest. "Do your homework carefully next time!" teacher Xu saw tears in my eyes, and her tone eased down. I looked up, just to meet the teachers eyes, the original some sullen eyes slowly softened up.
  I felt a sudden embarrassment. It seemed like a nutcracker met a huge walnut. I could only block everything I wanted to say with my mouth wide open. But behind the embarrassment, there is more guilt for myself and the teacher.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇2

  Every time we have a football class, some of our energetic boys have to move the football box.
  The football box is full of baskets of football.
  Every time I say, "sprint 100 meters!"
  One of the strong boys said, "Oh, it's going to turn around!"
  I said, "turn around and sprint 100 meters!"
  Suddenly, a burst of laughter.
  I think I have to think of other ways to tickle them in the future.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇3

  Today is our first day of computer summer camp, I am very excited!
  At 7:30, I got up from bed, dressed, and then I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I ate. Finally, I took the bus to school and went into the computer classroom for class. We drew a turtle and wrote a diary. This class was over.
  What a fun day!

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇4

  Today, the weather is bad and it's raining heavily. I'm happy too.
  Dad taught me to shave my hair at the barber's after I did my homework. Later I went to copy my household register, so my father and I went home happily.
  When he got home, dad found the blog password. I am very happy when I see many pictures of my classmates. It's really a happy day.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇5

  When I have dinner tonight, I want to eat the first bowl and the second bowl. I asked my mother to cook for me, but my mother asked me to cook for me. I carefully put the rice into the bowl. I think it's not difficult at all. In the future, I will not only cook for myself, but also learn to do more things.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇6

  This afternoon, the teacher of my class sent me the book. I became the group leader of our group. I sent the book for the whole class. After I have handed out the book, I will write my homework in my seat. I write very well. The teacher is going to put my homework on display. I feel very happy. This is my first exhibition

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇7

  20xx年8月8日 星期三 晴天
  Wednesday, August 8, 20xx sunny
  This evening, I took a bath alone. After washing, I cleaned my teeth, and then came to bed. My sister said, "isn't it cool?" I said, "yes! It's like a cool air drill coming into the inner bone. It's cool and comfortable!"
  I'm so happy because I grew up!

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇8

  One afternoon when we went to Rizhao, we went out to sea together.
  We rented a gas boat and rowed happily. Then a big wave came and the boat overturned. I fell into the sea, drank a lot of sea water, struggling to come out. Who knows another big wave is coming, I don't know how to touch a swimming circle when I fall into the sea, and I don't want to put it on. With the help of the parents, I went back to the beach safely. Later, it was really exciting to think about the situation at that time.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇9

  8月12日 星期三 小雨转晴
  Wednesday, August 12, light rain turns sunny
  Today, I'm going to deliver goods with sister Ou Xue. The shopping aunt lives on the Pearl River Road. We can't find it, so my sister checks it with her mobile phone. God! Six kilometers away, I thought, "it's so far!" But I can't help it. So my sister and I got on the battery car and started. When we were halfway there, it suddenly rained, making it more difficult for us to move forward. My sister and I finally found the aunt's house. We gave her the goods and the task was finished. It's hard to deliver goods today, but I've learned that it's not easy to earn money.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇10

  In the morning, I went to school and saw the teacher. The teacher said to her son that you would not go to school. Her son asked what you would not go to school. The teacher said that I asked you if you were sick today. Before class, my deskmate said to me, "why is your braid so beautiful?" I said, "what do you mean?" she said I asked you why your braid is so beautiful.
  It's such a happy day.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇11

  It's really hot today. The sun in the sky makes the ground hot. A gust of wind came and a stream of hot air rose from the ground. The trees along the road stood listlessly, with flowers and grass in thin strips. Pedestrians on the road wear sunglasses, sun umbrella, eat popsicles, and go home quickly. Is summer really coming?

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇12

  I have a cat. It was in my house when I was born, but today it died. I am so sad that I don't want to eat three meals a day.
  Once I failed in the exam, I was afraid that I would go home and "break" my mother's hand. I didn't want to live.
  Our class is running for monitor, and I've also run for election, but I didn't do well in any places? Or am I not working hard enough?

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇13

  Today, grandma went to Grandpa's field and picked many pieces of sesame leaves. When she took them home, grandma put them in a pot and boiled them. Then she fished them out and dried them on the ground. I asked grandma what sesame leaves could do. Grandma said that sesame leaves were dried and cooked dry vegetables. To be honest, I would not eat them when I saw their black appearance.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇14

  March 9, Sunday, sunny
  Today is my birthday. My mother gave me a liquid funnel.
  It's a cylinder with purple liquid leaking down the winding slide. At the beginning, they were very confused. After a while, they were in line to leak down. It was like a purple crystal necklace. It was very beautiful!
  I like my mother's birthday present very much

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇15

  11月29日 星期六 阴
  Saturday, November 29, overcast
  On Friday afternoon, my mother went to school for a parents' meeting. Back home, my mother patiently told me about the meeting and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of learning. I got 98 in Chinese in this midterm exam. 5 points, mathematics only 92 points, did not achieve the expected results.
  It seems that I'm behind in math. I want to do more exercises, strengthen the accuracy of mathematical calculation, overcome carelessness, strive to get 100 points in the final exam, and strive to be a good student!

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇16

  Yesterday noon, I ate KFC, which is my dream, which is also approved by my mother. When my aunt put the food on the table, I was ecstatic. I didn't know which bag to eat first? Aunt first gave me a box of hamburgers, I can't wait to open them, grab them with both hands, bite them into a curved moon, then take a sip of coke, cool and comfortable, and then put a French fries between two fingers, dip them in the bright red tomato juice, and bite them with endless aftertaste. This is the most delicious meal I have had this year!

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇17

  7月20日 星期五 晴转阴
  Friday, July 20
  Today, I tried to wash my shorts. My sister told me, "first wash the crotch, then the hem, so that you can clean them." I washed two pairs of shorts according to my sister's method, so clean. I'm so happy to finally learn how to wash shorts

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇18

  This afternoon, I was taking a nap in the red heat. At that time, grandma rushed in angrily to trample on her cucumbers. I didn't know what happened. After a while, I was furious, like an attacking lion. If you have any evidence that I am a criminal suspect, you should investigate it carefully.
  Finally, grandma knew that I was wronged.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇19

  Today, Mr. Kang gave out the paper for the contest of "the king of oral arithmetic". I got 100 points. My mother was very happy and praised me. In the last math class, I became the first student to get a ticket for the autumn outing today. Finally, I can take part in the autumn outing with the children. I can't say how happy I am.
  With the continuous encouragement of Mr. Chen and Mr. Kang, I have made great progress in correcting my own shortcomings. I will work harder to be a good student.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇20

  I believe everyone likes to drink. For example: coke, Sprite, fruit orange, lemonade As long as children like to drink. Today, I drink a different kind of drink.
  I had a high fever today because I had too much sun on the balcony the other day. As a result, my mother would like to give me scrapping. You know, fever is my nightmare, because as soon as I have a fever, my mother will give me a kind of secret Chinese medicine, which is sour and refreshing, that kind of choking smell, that kind of bitter taste, to ensure that you drink it for the first time, and don't want to drink it for the second time!
  This kind of "drink" is brown and smells stinky. I hold my nose and drink it, "Whoa, whoa, whoa -" it's really choking!
  "Drink" is really hard to drink, I don't want to drink any more!

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇21

  7月16日 星期一 雨天
  Monday, July 16 rainy day
  Today, it rained. I was a little curious about how the rain came. So I went to ask my aunt, "the rain is because the rain falls, flows to rivers, lakes and seas, and evaporates into small water drops to the sky. The more it accumulates, the more clouds can't bear it, the more it falls, the more rain it becomes." Aunt said.
  So I know how the rain came out.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇22

  12月21日 星期五 阴
  Friday, December 21 cloudy
  Today, the art teacher asked us to spell animals. I plan to spell kittens. I took out scissors, paper and glue. I cut a round head first, then a body, then a long tail. I also cut my limbs and mouth, and then I looked and found that I had lost my ears. Then I mended my ears. I glued them carefully. Soon, a lovely cat appeared on my desk.

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇23

  12月20日 星期六 阴
  Saturday, December 20, overcast
  This afternoon, my brother and I went to pick strawberries together. We came to the strawberry field, where there are countless strawberries, red faces, as if we were welcome.
  I took a basket, can't wait to run to the ground to pick strawberries, we are all watching, which strawberries are big, red, we are all competing to pick, the strawberry field is full of our laughter, soon, I picked a blue, these strawberries are like rubies, beautiful!
  I eat fresh strawberries, fragrance, my psychological beauty!

  小学六年级英语日记带翻译 篇24

  Today, Zeng Suwen and I said to each other, "the sky is dim, the moon is bright, and the moon is shining on the pavilion in the lake." Zhenzi said to each other, "when my fair lady comes out of the west, Erkang is crying to death to put on a pose.". I said: 'my point is' this moon is as round as a white jade plate, but no one comes to see the beautiful scenery'. How about 'Zhenzi said:' well, you can compare the moon to a white jade plate '.
  Ha ha, it's fun for poetry!
