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  今天是端五节,妈妈给我买粽子,爸爸问:“他知道今天为什么吃粽子吗?”我说:“不知道。”爸爸告诉我,伟 大的诗人屈原抱石投江后,人们为了不让他的尸体让鱼吃了,就向江里丢食物。后来人们纷纷仿效,怕食物被龙吃了 ,就用树叶包着,最后就成了粽子。
  Today is Duanwu Festival. My mother bought me zongzi. My father asked, "does he know why he eats zongzi today?" I said, "I don't know." My father told me that after Qu Yuan, the great poet, threw stones into the river, people threw food into the river to prevent his body from being eaten by fish. Later, people imitated one after another, for fear that the food would be eaten by the dragon, so they wrapped it with leaves, and finally it became zongzi.
