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  星期五回到家,哥哥快速跑过来神秘地对我说:“妹妹,送你一件很有趣的礼物,要不要?”我奇怪地问:“什么礼物呀,哥哥?”“看,是这个。”哥哥边说边拿出手里的东西。啊!原来是一只被关在笼子里的小麻雀,它身上羽毛是棕色的,羽毛还没长全,正在笼子里飞上飞下地想出来呢。哥哥说:“送你了。”爸爸见了,说:“ 昱晓,你就好好地养着它吧!”妈妈说:“昱晓,快给它拿点食物吧!”我专心致志地看着笼子里的小麻雀,它看上去那么可怜,那么无助。我赶紧跑到门前,毫不犹豫地打开笼子,把小麻雀放飞了。看着越飞越远的小麻雀,我期盼着它能早些和它的爸爸妈妈团聚。
  When I got home on Friday, my brother ran up to me and said mysteriously, "sister, would you like to have a very interesting gift?" I asked strangely, "what gift, brother?" "Look, this is it." Brother said as he took out his hand. Ah! It turned out to be a small sparrow that was locked in a cage. Its feathers are brown, and they haven't grown all yet. They are flying up and down in the cage to come up with it. My brother said, "here you are." When my father saw me, he said, "Yu Xiao, take good care of it!" My mother said, "Yuxiao, get some food for it!" I focused on the little sparrow in the cage. It looked so pitiful and helpless. I hurried to the door, without hesitation to open the cage and let the sparrow go. Looking at the sparrow flying farther and farther, I hope it can be reunited with its parents earlier.
